Coach Alana Allen
"Be Great."
Frederick Douglass High School
Home of the Astros
Back to Back GHSA Girls Basketball Champions
2 x AA State Champions 2019 and 2020
3 x 6AA Girls Basketball Region Champions 2018, 2019, 2020
2018 6AA Girls Track and Field Region Champions
2018 Girls 4x4 Relay AA Track and Field GHSA State Champions
My philosphy on education:
"Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care"- John C. Maxwell
A little informaion about me:
B.A Georgia State University
M.A Argosy University
Head Varsity Girls Volleyball Coach
Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach
Head Varsity Girls Track and Field Coach

Personal Fitness and Lifetime Fitness
Helpful websites:
Information for You
Google Classroom Codes and Zoom Links for courses 1/19-3/19
Personal Fitness/Rec Games 2nd block:
2nd Period Google Classroom Code *
2nd period Zoom Link *
2nd Period Meeting Id *
874 7149 1517
2nd Period Meeting Password *
General PE/ Rec games 3rd block
3rd Period Google Classroom Code *
3rd Period Zoom Link *
3rd Period Meeting Id *
828 7781 8707
3rd Period Meeting Password *
Personal Fitness 4th block:
4th Period Google Classroom Code *
4th Period Zoom Link *
4th Period Meeting Id *
856 1629 4637
4th Period Meeting Password *
In order to prepare for the upcoming semester, please review the course syllabus and find information about the course goals, reading and resources, class breakdown and more. Questions? No problem! Get in touch today.
Contact Me
225 Hamilton E. Holmes Dr
Atlanta, Ga 30331
678-223-3779/ 404-802-3100